Questions About Solar Panel Companies?We've Got Answers!
Plenty of questions arise when you’re looking for solar panel companies. Questions such as: Who should I install my panels with? Who should I buy my panels from? Who will maintain and repair my solar panels for a reasonable cost?
We get a lot of questions from homeowners and small business owners about solar energy systems, so we put together a list of the most frequently asked questions about solar panel companies
Most frequent questions and answers
The average time taken to install a residential solar system is two to three days and a commercial system takes anywhere from five to seven days to get up and running. The entire project design, material acquisition, obtaining permits, and permit to operate, will generally take 45-90 days.
Solar is a clean and renewable energy source, and it can potentially be used 100% of the time, unlike fossil fuel-powered energy generation. The cost and maintenance of solar panels is relatively low compared to other energy sources, making this a very favorable option for homeowners and businesses alike.
First and foremost, we’re solar installers. We’re not a solar panel company. We are a solar installer that happens to sell our own panels.
We mount solar panels on a purpose-built aluminum rail system that is fastened about every four feet by penetrations into roof rafters. On a standing seam metal roof, these attachments are made directly to the standing seams, with no roof penetrations. On asphalt roofs, each mount is sealed with a 50-year Tripolymer sealant to prevent any leaks. We guarantee all roof work will be free from leaks. As for the weight of the array, it is less than 5 pounds per square foot, so a typically framed roof is more than adequate to carry the weight.
Many customers feel that the pride and peace of mind of solar ‘pays for itself’ as soon as the system powers on. From a financial point of view, your solar panels will recoup the outright cash investment in roughly 8-12 years in the Washington D.C., Virginia, and Maryland locations.
majeski is one of the top solar panel companies
Selecting solar panel companies can be difficult if you don’t know where to start. If you are looking for quality solar panel options, look for an experienced company that specializes in the type of panels you want to install. A better choice a local solar company that can provide real data on their performance and have proven track records.
My name is Dave Majeski. I’m the CEM and founder of Majeski Solar Energy, which is a solar panel company located in Washington D.C.. We install solar panels on businesses and homes throughout the entire Washington metropolitan area.
Majeski Solar Energy offers installations with a full service experience from start to finish. We provide homeowners, businesses and property owners with the opportunity to go solar easily, affordably and quickly. Let us navigate all of the concerns for you and find the best solution for your energy needs. Call Us to Setup a Free Quote Today.
Do you have questions about solar? Call us at (703) 851-5853 and we’ll be happy to answer them for you. We work with newbies, homeowners, small or large businesses that want to invest in SRECs and increase their bottom line. Our goal is to educate homeowners and businesses.
How to get the best solar panel companies
In finding the best solar panel companies, you have a lot of things to look at. These include the reputation of the company, its cost, the company’s track record, and whether they are licensed as a contractor or not. Here at Majeski Solar Energy, we believe that solar energy is an investment in the future.
In the last five years solar panel costs have dropped over 60%, and now the cost of solar is less than the cost of grid energy in a number of locations across the D.C. metropolitan area. Majeski Serves Washington D.C. , Virginia, and Maryland.
Majeski Solar Energy offers installations with a full service experience from start to finish. We provide homeowners, businesses and property owners with the opportunity to go solar easily, affordably and quickly. Let us navigate all of the concerns for you and find the best solution for your energy needs. Call Us to Setup a Free Quote Today.
Most people are surprised that there are not actually that many solar companies in our area. If you live in or around the area you probably have 3-4 companies that you could work with. Chances are they all have pretty similar offers, since they are going after the same customers with almost identical offers. The main advantage then becomes trusting a company that will stand behind their work. Learn more about Solar Radiance.

Every solar company is not the same. Some solar companies are large and have been in business for decades. Others are relatively new, but their core values may align with yours. Figuring out which solar company is best for you can be tricky.
Majeski Solar Energy offers installations with a full service experience from start to finish. We provide homeowners, businesses and property owners with the opportunity to go solar easily, affordably and quickly. Let us navigate all of the concerns for you and find the best solution for your energy needs. Call Us to Setup a Free Quote Today.