If you’re a new customer in Maryland, Virginia, or D.C., you may be wondering what net metering is and how it affects your bill. In this post, we’ll go over the basics of net metering and how it applies to customers in our three states.

What Do I Need To Know About Net Metering
Overall, net metering is a net positive for both solar customers and the grid. It provides an incentive for customers to invest in renewable energy, and it also helps to promote energy independence. However, there are a few potential drawbacks to be aware of, such as the potential for higher energy costs for non-solar customers.
What are net metering rules?
Net metering rules are designed to encourage the use of renewable energy sources like solar panels by crediting customers for the electricity they produce. In Maryland, for example, customers with solar panels receive a credit on their bill for the electricity they generate. The credit is equal to the retail price of electricity, which means that customers with solar panels can effectively offset their energy costs.
What are the benefits of net metering?
There are a few key benefits of net metering. First, it helps to encourage the use of renewable energy sources, which is good for the environment. Second, it can save customers money on their energy bills. And third, it helps to promote energy independence by allowing customers to produce their own electricity.
What are the drawbacks of net metering?
While net metering is generally a positive thing, there are a few potential drawbacks to be aware of. First, it can result in higher energy costs for non-solar customers, as they effectively subsidize the credits received by solar customers. Second, net metering can create problems for utilities, as it can lead to a decrease in revenue. And third, there is the potential for abuse, as some customers may try to game the system by overproducing electricity.
.01 General.
A. Net Energy Metering. An electric company shall provide net metering of electric service to eligible customer-generators using a meter capable of net energy metering until the rated generating capacity of all eligible customer-generators in the State reaches 1,500 megawatts.
B. Maximum Size of Electric Generating System — Net Metering. An electric company may not provide net energy metering to an eligible customer-generator operating an electric generating system that has a rated capacity of more than two megawatts.
C. Micro Combined Heat and Power Electric Generating System. An electric company may not provide net energy metering to an eligible customer-generator operating a micro combined heat and power electric generating system that has a rated capacity of more than 30 kilowatts.
D. Qualifying for Net Energy Metering.
(1) In order to initially qualify for net energy metering:
(a) An eligible customer-generator shall comply with the provisions of COMAR 20.50.09; and
(b) The eligible customer-generator’s proposed electric generating system may not exceed 200 percent of the eligible customer-generator’s baseline annual usage.
(2) Upgraded Electric Generating Systems.
(a) When an eligible customer-generator receiving net energy metering proposes an upgrade to an existing electric generating system, an electric company shall re-evaluate the baseline annual usage to determine whether the electric generating system continues to meet the requirements of §D(1)(b) of this regulation.
(b) If the eligible customer-generator’s upgraded electric generating system does not meet the requirements of §D(1)(b) of this regulation, an electric company may discontinue net energy metering.
Source: http://www.dsd.state.md.us/comar/comarhtml/20/
Will I need a special meter for net metering
If you’re planning on installing solar panels, you’ll need to have a special meter installed that can track the electricity you generate. This meter is known as a net meter, and it’s the key to how net metering works.
How do I get started with net metering
If you’re interested in net metering, the first step is to contact your utility company. They’ll be able to tell you if you’re eligible and provide you with more information on how it works.

Will my solar installer provide a new meter?
In most cases, your solar installer will handle the process of getting a new net meter installed. However, it’s always a good idea to check with your utility company to make sure that this is the case.
Net Metering Credits
One of the key benefits of net metering is that it can save customers money on their energy bills. This is because customers with solar panels receive a credit on their bill for the electricity they generate. The credit is equal to the retail price of electricity, which means that customers with solar panels can effectively offset their energy costs.
Contact Us To Learn More On Net Metering
Majeski Solar Energy
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Majeski Solar Is a Solar Installer company, and Top Tier Solar Installer in Washington D.C. , Virginia, and Maryland.